What if I told you that there is self defense product readily available that would immediately repel any would-be criminal intend upon harming you or your home valuables? This little known device is not a stun gun or TASER. It’s not one of the cute little pepper spray canisters. Give up? It’s called the
Mace Pepper Gun or more accurately, the Mace Dragon Fire Pepper Gun.
Mace Pepper Gun-Black |
A typical pepper spray, while effective within its eight or so foot range, is no match for the Pepper Gun. When fired, this weapon shoots a high velocity stream of red hot pepper spray up to 25 feet. That’s longer than a consumer TASER gun! Here’s the best part. A TASER gun similar to a police model will set you back about almost $1000. The Mace Pepper Gun is only $74.99 at Stun Gun supply.
The Mace Pepper Gun holds a 28gram cartridge of OC pepper. You can get up to seven effective firings on a cartridge. The range is up to 20 feet, longer than even a consumer TASER. Those small pepper sprays you’ve seen are basically throw-aways when the canister is empty; they cannot be re-filled. The cartridges in a pepper gun are replaceable. The gun never becomes obsolete. You simply purchase cartridges as needed. You can also buy water filled cartridges when you just want to practice. If that weren’t enough, the Mace pepper gun features a trigger activated LED light to help light a dark area.
The effect of pepper spray is almost impossible to overcome although its effects are temporary. Your assailant will shut and rub his eyes. A bad guy who can’t see is suddenly not so dangerous. The hot pepper will cause your assailant to gasp and wheeze. Most important, it will give you the opportunity to call police. So we recommend you keep the Mace pepper gun always handy. You never know when you’ll need it.
Labels: Dragon Fire Pepper gunun, Mace pepper, Pepper Gun, pepper spray