Tasers Get Postive Press.
Two recent studies claim the use of TASERs is safe, within limits. First the National Institute of Justice released a 74-page report that states that there is no medical evidence showing the devices pose a significant risk for cardiac arrest in humans when they are deployed reasonably.
"All evidence suggests that the use of CEDs carries with it a risk as low or lower than most alternatives," the report says, adding that the decision to use stun guns is best left up to trained law enforcers at the crime scene.
In a second study, researchers surveyed agencies across the country about use-of-force issues. They found that Tasers, which deliver muscle-convulsing pulses of electricity through darts shot from a gun, can reduce injuries.
Findings from the studies will help law enforcement make decisions about using stun guns, the NIJ said.
Labels: advanced taser, buy TASER, C2 Taser, Gold C2 TASER