Carlisle, PA - Taser a Success
Here's one that almost got by us. And this is in our own back yard! The Carlisle PA Sentinal July 22 article quotes the Carlisle Police Department who said that after several years of use, the Taser gun can be termed a success.
Staff writer Heather Stauffer quotes Lt. Mike Dzezinski who said, "By the end of 2007, Carlisle recorded more than 140 Taser deployments, ranging from times when officers obtained compliance merely by displaying the laser sight and warning people to incidents in which they actually fired the probes." He continues,
“We’ve had deployments on everything from fleeing felons to public drunk arrestees who wanted to fight,” Dzezinski said. “The biggest benefit of the Taser is it gives us a gap between us and the bad guy.”
This comes on the heels of a Pennsylvania State Police announcement that it considered troopers first six months of Taser use a success. Before equipping 3,000 troopers with Tasers at the beginning of this year, state police Commissioner Jeffrey Miller said, state police conducted a two-year study. The results they are seeing reinforce the belief that “the Taser provides an excellent option to the use of deadly force,” Miller said.
That Tasers deliver 50,000 volts has been widely reported, Dzezinski said, but many people don’t realize the amperage of the weapon is what really matters.
“The amperage is very, very low in the Taser,” Dzezinski said, placing it at 0.0036 amps, “actually lower than the socket of a Christmas tree bulb.”
The majority of Carlisle officers have taken voluntary Taser exposures to understand what people experience when they fire the probes, Dzezinski said.
Labels: advanced taser, Taser guns, tasers