Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Varieties of Stun Guns: Choose Your Weapon

Stun Guns come in many sizes, shapes and voltages. Categorizing these attributes will help you choose an appropriate self defense product.


The prototypical stun gun is rectangular in shape and perhaps 3/4 to one inch thick. Sizes generally increase with voltage power. This is as much as to hold more batteries than anything else.

The second common shape is one of a cell phone or blackberry. This is the so-called "covert" self defense item where the intent of the device is hidden behind an innocuous shape. These are small enough to fit in a purse or glove compartment.

A third shape has recently arrived where the handle is molded into the device. Think of brass knuckles where the administration is straight on. This shape offers a more secure grip which could be crucial in a high stress situation. The Knuckle Blaster is a 950,000 volt stun gun that actually resembles brass knuckles (although this one is molded plastic with an outer soft rubber skin.)

Stun batons are also members of the stun gun family. Consider these high-tech versions of the night stick. They are a natural for a walking patrolman and the night watchman.


One of the tallest of the rectangle style stun guns is the Streetwise SW1000. This 1000K volt stunner measures 8.25 inches x 2 inches x 1 inch. It also features a built-in alarm. It requires three 9 volt batteries to power.

At the other spectrum, the Small Fry stun gun may be the smallest battery powered zapper with the biggest wallop. This million volt model measures an amazing 3 1/4 inches x 2 inches x 3/4 inch. This is made possible by the development of lithium batteries. This model Small Fry stun gun takes three button size lithium-ion batteries.

Stun batons come in either fixed or expandable models. You can keep your attacker at bay with the expandable type which can extend to 21". With your arm out-stretched you can keep an assailant a safer distance away than with a traditional hand held. Common fixed stun baton sizes are 16, 18 and 20 inches. Some models feature an alarm to hopefully scare a would-be intruder.


Stun gun voltages run the gamut from 80,000 volts to 1.2 million volts. Many fall in the 300K to 500K range. At 80K, the Talon MINI stun gun is one of the smallest and most affordable models. It measures just 4" tall and has enough power to keep a would-be attacker dazed and confused for several minutes. At the other extreme, the Double Trouble stun gun delivers an ultra powerful 1.2 million volts. It's one of the new grip style devices with contacts on either end. This design is responsible for the unit's high power.

It must be mentioned that although these defensive products deliver high voltages, the amperage is very low, perhaps only 2-4 milliamps. They're considered reasonable force in resisting attack and are non-lethal. In fact, if you stand around too long watching your handy-work, you could regret it. Recovery time depends upon voltage and the length or series of administrations. But most people will recover in only 4-8 minutes. So run to safety first, not last.

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Greers Ferry AK to Purchase Tasers for Police

The Heber Springs Sun Times in Arkansas reported that the police chief asked city council to provide Taser for its three full-time police officers and one reserve officer. Police Chief Ray Dearmon said it's a small price to pay for an officer's safety.

"The Taser is used as a last-ditch effort," Dearmon said. "I'd rather shoot you with a Taser than I would a gun."

Dearmon told the council that all officers would require certification to carry and use the Tasers. He also said that he would require each officer to be Tased before they can carry the weapon.

"If an officer is unsure of what exactly that piece of equipment will do, he won't use it properly," Dearmon said.

The chief told the council that there have been at least three times in recent memory when a Taser could have kept local officers from drawing their guns and shooting. He also said a Taser would have been handy during a recent situation in which a strung-out driver refused to exit his car.

"The guy was sprayed twice with pepper spray, and it had no effect on him," Dearmon said. "It took four officers to pull him out of the vehicle."

This is the latest in a nationwide move to equip police officers with the non-lethal device.

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Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Up Close Review: M18L Advanced Taser

The Taser M18L Advanced Taser is a popular consumer model produced by Taser International. This model sports a laser sight to help with aim. (You can buy this model without the laser sight in the Advanced Taser M18.) The M18L package includes four cartridges, a battery pack (4 x 1.5 volt AA), an operating manual, a practice target poster and Citizen Training CD. It comes housed in a hard black poly case with integrated handle. It is made in the US. There is a 30 day money back guarantee, 90 day product warranty, and a lifetime replacement warranty if it is left activated next to an assailant.

First, let’s clear some misconceptions. A stun gun is a “contact” device meaning the contacts must be applied directly to the perpetrator to be effective. This model can function as a contact stun gun with or without a cartridge. But that is only a backup feature. A Taser is a device that when activated propels two small probes attached to insulated electrical wires. These attach to an attacker’s clothing or skin. The device sends electrical pulses through the wires that disrupt the motor and sensory systems. This incapacitates the subject allowing time to flee.

The Taser has gained wide law enforcement acceptance throughout the world. Injuries are much less than with firearms. Effects are temporary. The device is not without its detractors but is relatively safe when used in a responsible manner. It is virtually impossible for even an out-of-control perpetrator to over-ride the effects.

The Taser M18, unlike most stun guns, actually looks like gun. The high impact black polycarbonate gun is set off with a mid gun yellow accent. The safety switch has a lock and armed position. The dimensions with cartridge are 8.30” long, 6” high and 1.75” wide. It weighs 19.2 ounces without the cartridge. It has a battery LED indicator. There is a molded mechanical sight it addition to the laser sight. The M18L has a range of fifteen feet.

Depressing and releasing the trigger will result in a five-second discharge unless the safety switch is moved to the down (SAFE) position. Holding the trigger switch for more than 5 seconds will result in a continuous discharge until the trigger switch is released, or until the batteries are depleted. Normally, aim the laser of the device at one of the large muscle groups (center of mass) such as the torso or thigh areas.

The Taser M18L Advanced Taser retails for $599.00 (Stun Gun Supply may be offering a discount). A model with two cartridges and without the laser site sells for $399.00. The latest model is the Taser C2 which comes in eight colors as well as black. This sleek model has a smaller profile than the M18 and appeals to women with smaller hands. Pricing starts at $299.00 (Stun Guns Supply may be offering a discount). The Taser X-26C is also available direct to consumers but the high price limits acceptability. Tasers are not legal in all states and municipalities so check this before ordering one.

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Thursday, July 3, 2008

News Article Notes Rising Non-Lethal Weapons Purchases

South Florida Sun-Sentinel documents the rising sales of stun guns and pepper spray. News writers "They want something in the middle. A big part of our society is that way," said Jeff Dillard, president of National Law Enforcement Distributors in Davie. "There's not a day that goes by when we don't have four or five customers come in here discussing this."

After noting that both electric stun guns and pepper spray are legal in Florida, they then list the pros and cons of both.

Pepper Spray:

Pepper spray is inexpensive and comes in several forms including the popular "disguised" models that look like pens, lipstick or pagers. Dillard likes pepper spray because it incapacitates an attacker for up to an hour left untreated. Drawbacks include possible blow-back during high winds. Also, there have been reported cases of some individuals fighting through the pain and discomfort. This makes a case for buying the strongest available such as Wildfire 18% pepper spray.

Stun Guns:

Robert J. Leitner, chief operating officer of Tactical Products Group in Delray Beach prefers stun guns. "You only need a second or two to touch the assailant and it also has a powerful deterrent," Leitner said. "In our experience, criminals fear them more than pepper sprays." Limiations here are the on-person contact that is required. Plus the effects don't last as long as pepper spray.
But often a display of the arcing electrodes is enough to thwart an attack. Stun guns are also inexpensive with models starting at about $20. Cell phone stun guns are perhaps the most popular "disguised" models.


The newest "less-lethal" device, Tasers shoot two electrified wires with barbs on the end. They lodge on the perpetrators clothing or skin and fire automatically for 30 seconds. Shooting range is about 15 feet. Taser International spokesman Steve Tuttle says it has none of the disadvantages of stun guns or pepper spray. "I don't want to get one foot away from them and try to apply something to them directly," Tuttle said. "Place it on the ground, let it do the work for you and get to safety."

The authors end their article by warning that these weapons are not toys and must be used safely. If you purchase one, you should treat it as a firearm: realize that it is a weapon and make sure to keep it far from the reach of children. Dillard also warned against storing pepper spray inside a car. The Florida sun can weaken the seal and cause leakage.

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